
"Bed of Lies"/contest results up

I said a while back that I had completed a semi-rewrite of"Retribution." It's on FFN now for anyone who's interested, going by the name of "Bed of Lies." It took second in the Krystal's Forum oneshot challenge that ended a while back, judged by my accomplice FoxKong and bested by the FFN writer/apocrypha-goer Swiper's "Anthem."

'Grats to him, me, and Kookameter for top three!

Feeling even more accomplished

Last night, after that last post, I went on to write for another 2475 words, putting my total for that day at 4475 words. The short story is 12000 words, and it is now finished, though I doubt it will ever see the light of day. I do happen to like it quite a bit, though.

In other news, I am sick. Somewhat. I'm fairly certain it's gallbladder-related, as I'm getting all kinds of ridiculous digestion issues and some sharp pain from the gallbladder area.

I'm sure that if I complained to any medical professional, they'd have my gallbladder out within the week. I've had surgery one too many times this year, though, and I can't stand to be incapacitated for an entire week during band season. (That, and I think doctors hand out surgery far too often; people fail to realize that one half of what doctors do is to avoid lawsuits, and the other half is for money.)

At any rate, I'm hoping this clears up soon. Today, I'm hoping to get the challenges for the Apocrypha workshop written up and edit over the printed version of the short story. For those of you who are interested, I'm trying to keep a daily writing journal here:


Whereas this blog is a place mainly for news and excuses and personal stuff, it will be an actual log of what I do every night, and I might be posting some challenges and fic segments somewhere in the forum eventually.


Feeling accomplished

So, that 6,000-word original short story I was working on is now a 10,000-word original short story. I hit 2,000 words both today and yesterday, and am feeling kind of proud about it.

If only I could match this kind of conviction with fan fiction... or at least, do it more regularly.

In other news, I'm starting a mini writing workshop. Information can be found in my FFN forums.


A note on original works

Just want to let everyone know that I have been writing these last few weeks. Given, most of it has been in original works. I want to take a few minutes to say a few things about them:

I have two major ones in the works at the moment. One of them is 6000 words, the other 11000. The former is close to being finished, while the latter has about another 40,000 words or so to go.

For the moment, at least, these works are on a "you ask, I send" basis. They're not heavily edited and one of them is definitely not something that I will be able to send to everyone. I wouldn't feel comfortable posting these to a site where other people have it splayed out in front of them, but I feel that it couldn't to send them if someone asked for them.

In other news, my computer (somehow) fixed itself, but I'm having to rearrange a lot of my priorities this year. School is... demanding, to say the least. I try to spend most of my free time writing, but the actual amount of free time I get is variable. I've hit the 1000-a-day mark for two weeks straight now (except those times when I was away from home), and I think that's about to come to an end.



Still no news on the computer front. I've been ninjaing a laptop and using it every once in a while, but it's not a permanent solution or something that I can do for ridiculously long periods of time.

I did manage to do something semi-productive while on it, though. I wrote around 3000 words of an Oblivion fanfic, realized that it was going to be much longer than I'd originally thought it was, and decided to publish the first 1000 words as a flashfic. It's up on FFN for anyone who's interested.


Computer explosion

Okay, welllllll. I've been having some computer issues, possible hardware-related. I can have my computer on for all of two minutes before it crashes, then it won't boot for about thirty minutes or so.

Which means that I don't have access to any of my writing, fanfiction or not. Greaaaaaaaaaat. I'm hoping to have this fixed soon, but... we'll see.

Computer explosion

Okay, welllllll. I've been having some computer issues, possible hardware-related. I can have my computer on for all of two minutes before it crashes, then it won't boot for about thirty minutes or so.

Which means that I don't have access to any of my writing, fanfiction or not. Greaaaaaaaaaat. I'm hoping to have this fixed soon, but... we'll see.


Echoes bug fixed

Okay, so apparently FFN wasn't as screwy as I thought it was.

I saw lots of updates today so I decided to reupload the chapter of Echoes, and this time I actually got the alert that it had been updated and can see it in the front page, so... I don't know? Maybe I broke it.

Anyway, it's up. Go check it out.


Redemption Chapter up

This is something I forgot to mention earlier.

The new chapter of Redemption is up (big shocker considering the title, loooool).

Star Fox section messed up?

Okay, so, I'm getting in reviews for Redemption and I got the little alert thingy that said I'd published a new chapter.

Problem is, I've gotten neither for Echoes. (If you have left a review for it, please tell me so I can confirm my theory.) I've also noticed that there haven't been any updates in the section for the past little bit and no reviews I'm making are showing up.

So, something must be wrong with the Star Fox section. : /


I cheated

Well, since submission didn't work, what I did was copypasta the contents of the Echoes chapter into an existing document and add that to the story. It gave me error messages like crap, but, for some reason, it worked. I think.

Anyway, go read. obai


And FFN is still broken today. I can log in now, but I can't submit the chapter. : /


And FFN is still broken today. I can log in now, but I can't submit the chapter. : /


FFN is broke, QQ

Okay, so maybe I won't be able to get the next chapter up tonight, meh. Still can't log in.

(Of course, I post this in hopes that FFN will fix itself as soon as I complain about it like it usually does. Makes me look like an idiot, but eh.)

Echoes chapter ready

The next Echoes chapter is ready to go, but FFN's bugged right now and I can't log in (and I have to go out of town for a bit... bah, how convenient). As soon as I get back, given that FFN is fixed, I'll have it up.

Echoes chapter ready

The next Echoes chapter is ready to go, but FFN's bugged right now and I can't log in (and I have to go out of town for a bit... bah, how convenient). As soon as I get back, given that FFN is fixed, I'll have it up.



I have 13 pages of a new chapter for Echoes ready. I think it's enough to stand on its own as a chapter, but it needs a bit of time to cool so I can look at it objectively.

Also, band camp is murdering me. Muscles are burning that I didn't even know I had. The effort it takes for me just to sit down is ridiculous.

And I still have eight more days to go. O lawd.


More Redemption stuff

Okay, so, I finally got an ending I like... I just gotta go back through and edit some inconsistencies.

To clarify things: Redemption is a story told in two parts. This chapter will mark the end of Part I. Part II... I'll probably start on at a later time.


Other news: I've been working on parts of Echoes recently... hurrah (as well as on this off-the-wall fic I'm doing, and original stuff). But band camp's tomorrow, and after a council meeting, I get the feeling that the new director is going to rip me apart.


Redemption news (II)

So, I've been through about three different endings for Redemption and don't like any of them.

I'm working on fixing that... but I can't promise that it'll be up by Monday. Speaking of which, I leave for two-week band camp Monday, which means I'll have very little time to do this stuff.