
Anyone for original works?

So, I mentioned like, two seconds ago that I'd started on some original crap. At first I was unsure about where I was going to post it, but then I remembered that Atlas told me just to post stuff on my blog.

So, I figured... why not? But I'm not going to start flooding this page with all my original works if there's no interest in them.

The thing I'm working on now is a furry story (that just means it has anthropomorphic characters and all that jazz), so it's pretty much exactly like Star Fox only without Star Fox and with a modern setting. It contains strong themes of both homosexuality and heterosexuality, but nothing graphic... maybe just a little worse than Retribution, so if you can live through it, you'll be fine. It's centered around a group of band nerds who attend a school of the arts. I figured I'd write about something I knew, and there's nothing I know more than music.

If it sounds like something you'd be interested in reading, drop me a comment and let me know. Should only take a few seconds. If anyone's interested, I'll post the first... uhh, chapter, I guess, here.

In other news, I've been considering getting a LJ recently so that it would be easier for me to post my stories. My computer blocks LJ, though, so I'd have to proxy it and I'm not sure how that would work... :x

Edit: Forgot to mention that I installed a statcounter. It's not retroactive so I have no idea how many people have been here up until this point, so I picked 80 as a starting number... I'm interested to see how many people actually come here.


  1. May be a while before I get something up. Been working on a composition for the last few days.

  2. band nerds are epic.
    post it. :)
