
Redemption VI completed, not up

I finished the first draft of Redemption VI last night, but it's still got some bugs to work out before I post it.


Retribution rewrite completed

I finished the rewrite of Retribution a little while ago, and now it goes under the name Bed of Lies. I haven't uploaded the changes to FFN yet, though, I'd rather wait for the contest thing to be over.

Redemption V up

Redemption, chapter V is up. It's a bit shorter than the others, but from now on I think I'm going to be keeping chapters that way. I've already started work on the next one, but I can't make any promises on when it's going to be up.



Been making a little bit of progress with Redemption recently. I have the first draft of what could pose as a new chapter done, but I want to go a little farther before I release it.


Description guide up

I posted that description guide. The original can be found here:


But FFN forums are retarded, so the prettier version is here:



Vacation and some fan fiction news

So... yeah, I'm on vacation. Will only be for about two days, though... I have a laptop that I can use every once in a while, but most of my time I'm spending with it has been rereading some of my old favorite (non-fanfiction) stories and catching up on my beta-reading projects. I've also been making notes of their style and have some new things that I want to try.

Anyway, I'm not going to be releasing any new content or new chapters anytime soon I don't think, but I'm going back through Retribution and am hoping to get up an edited version of it sometime soon (for a oneshot contest over in Krystal's forum).


Short story up

Posted--check it up.


Anyone for original works?

So, I mentioned like, two seconds ago that I'd started on some original crap. At first I was unsure about where I was going to post it, but then I remembered that Atlas told me just to post stuff on my blog.

So, I figured... why not? But I'm not going to start flooding this page with all my original works if there's no interest in them.

The thing I'm working on now is a furry story (that just means it has anthropomorphic characters and all that jazz), so it's pretty much exactly like Star Fox only without Star Fox and with a modern setting. It contains strong themes of both homosexuality and heterosexuality, but nothing graphic... maybe just a little worse than Retribution, so if you can live through it, you'll be fine. It's centered around a group of band nerds who attend a school of the arts. I figured I'd write about something I knew, and there's nothing I know more than music.

If it sounds like something you'd be interested in reading, drop me a comment and let me know. Should only take a few seconds. If anyone's interested, I'll post the first... uhh, chapter, I guess, here.

In other news, I've been considering getting a LJ recently so that it would be easier for me to post my stories. My computer blocks LJ, though, so I'd have to proxy it and I'm not sure how that would work... :x

Edit: Forgot to mention that I installed a statcounter. It's not retroactive so I have no idea how many people have been here up until this point, so I picked 80 as a starting number... I'm interested to see how many people actually come here.


Sorry for the lack of posts about my writing recently. I've been going through some pretty difficult times in my personal life, and most of the time that I'd normally spend writing I've been reading/reviewing/editing others' fics.

I'm still not back in my room yet, but I've moved my computer to my temporary location.

I've been writing for the past few days, but it's been on an original work I've been thinking of for a while which might turn into a full-length novel. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to kill my fan fiction or anything, but I think I need a little bit of a break. Nothing I'm writing on any of my stories seems to satisfy me anymore, so, I figured, I might as well try something new to get my mind of fan fiction so I can have an objective view.



I've moved out of my room and don't have ready access to my own computer... may be a while before I get back.