
Surgery soon

I have to have my wisdom teeth cut out on Monday. Wish me luck!

...and hope I don't die. ./kidding

They're going to give me IV sedation and have given me a valium to take before surgery... and there will be pain meds afterwards. I must admit that I don't like the concept of being drugged out of my mind (since those kinds of things scare me quite a bit), but my sister says that they'll "drug me up so good I won't even care."

I've had people telling me how horrible it's going to be for the past few years, but to be honest, I don't think it'll be nearly as bad. My sister had hers removed at the age of twelve and went to softball camp the next day, and she can't even get a tooth filled without hyperventilating.

Oh, and the aftermath? Two to three days of doing nothing but watching movies and eating macaroni. I have all of the Lord of the Rings movies rented and plan to watch them during the recovery. I only hope that I will be able to remember them afterwards!

PS: as I type this post, I'm working on programming a few new systems for my current Warcraft project (500 lines of code on JASSCraft in around an hour, yay!). As soon as I get done with that, I'll be starting with a quickwrite (in the Lord of the Rings fandom) to relieve stress and get my writing unhung from Echoes and Redemption. Nothing's changed since the last update on those stories.

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