

Okay, so, in the past few days, I've been making lots of progress. In the past few weeks, really.

I have some bad news (and some good, but I'll get to that later). The bad is that I have a concert tonight, rehearsal tomorrow, and Concert Festival Thursday, so for these three days I probably won't be doing anything. Friday and Saturday will probably be gone as well, though I'm not quite sure what we have planned for that yet.

The good news is that I have all of Spring Break as free time. That means I'll have a good bit of time to devote to writing.

Also, I feel like I've fallen behind on my reading (and writing), so let me make a few comments so that nobody takes it the wrong way:

I have limited time. Every day has 24 hours. 10 hours of every day is taken up by school (except on weekends, and I've had one full weekend in the past two months), 12 on rehearsal days. I usually spend half an hour on homework (which isn't enough to finish it all).

The rest of my time, 3-4 hours, I devote to hobbies. They are:

Composing, synthesizing, reading, writing, practicing trumpet/clarinet/piano/flute, programming, and gaming/making mods for games.

I can only do one of these at a time. Note that I also have school reading, and that I am behind on it (and got knocked out of rank 1 in my class because of it).

This semester so far, I have read 1,212,394 words so far in out-of-class, independent reading. This does not include FFN reading.

To give you guys an idea, here are the things I am reading right now, all for class, all at the same time (yes, my English teacher is crazy):

Brisingr, Christopher Paolini
Hamlet, William Shakespeare
The Lord of the Rings, J. R. R. Tolkien

I try to read as much in these as I can (within limit), and most of the time I spend on FFN is time in which I should be sleeping. As a result, I am sleep deprived. Very much so.

So don't feel insulted if I'm not reading all of your fics right now. I've had so much reading forced on me that I'm only reading the FFN stuff that I really want to.

So, sorry if anyone got bored in that really long list of excuses. I just felt like I should give a reason why I've been so lifeless around FFN lately. Pretty much, when I'm doing a lot of writing, I'm not doing much reading, and vice-versa.

Now that that's out of the way...

SC all-state band! Hurrah!

But anyway, I have a concert to go to. Bai.

Edit: I left out something. My school had an armed intruder today... which was really weird, but it was (thankfully) a big scare over nothing. >.>

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