

Okay, so, in the past few days, I've been making lots of progress. In the past few weeks, really.

I have some bad news (and some good, but I'll get to that later). The bad is that I have a concert tonight, rehearsal tomorrow, and Concert Festival Thursday, so for these three days I probably won't be doing anything. Friday and Saturday will probably be gone as well, though I'm not quite sure what we have planned for that yet.

The good news is that I have all of Spring Break as free time. That means I'll have a good bit of time to devote to writing.

Also, I feel like I've fallen behind on my reading (and writing), so let me make a few comments so that nobody takes it the wrong way:

I have limited time. Every day has 24 hours. 10 hours of every day is taken up by school (except on weekends, and I've had one full weekend in the past two months), 12 on rehearsal days. I usually spend half an hour on homework (which isn't enough to finish it all).

The rest of my time, 3-4 hours, I devote to hobbies. They are:

Composing, synthesizing, reading, writing, practicing trumpet/clarinet/piano/flute, programming, and gaming/making mods for games.

I can only do one of these at a time. Note that I also have school reading, and that I am behind on it (and got knocked out of rank 1 in my class because of it).

This semester so far, I have read 1,212,394 words so far in out-of-class, independent reading. This does not include FFN reading.

To give you guys an idea, here are the things I am reading right now, all for class, all at the same time (yes, my English teacher is crazy):

Brisingr, Christopher Paolini
Hamlet, William Shakespeare
The Lord of the Rings, J. R. R. Tolkien

I try to read as much in these as I can (within limit), and most of the time I spend on FFN is time in which I should be sleeping. As a result, I am sleep deprived. Very much so.

So don't feel insulted if I'm not reading all of your fics right now. I've had so much reading forced on me that I'm only reading the FFN stuff that I really want to.

So, sorry if anyone got bored in that really long list of excuses. I just felt like I should give a reason why I've been so lifeless around FFN lately. Pretty much, when I'm doing a lot of writing, I'm not doing much reading, and vice-versa.

Now that that's out of the way...

SC all-state band! Hurrah!

But anyway, I have a concert to go to. Bai.

Edit: I left out something. My school had an armed intruder today... which was really weird, but it was (thankfully) a big scare over nothing. >.>


Redemption news

Okay, well, I'd planned to get Redemption out by this weekend, but that's not happening. This chapter is turning out much longer than I'd thought it would be. As of right now, it's 17 pages, and I have two or three more scenes that I have to write in and a couple of other stuff I need to add before I actually begin the editing process (which should cut out at least 1 complete page worth of nothing).

I've actually worked a little ahead of where I plan for the next chapter to end, but not much, mind you.

I'm debating publishing this next "chapter" as one chapter or publishing it as two. It would make it more managable if I split it into two chapters, I guess, but I'm still a bit uneasy about that.

Any comments? Suggestions?


Fanfiction.net died?

Fanfiction.net died (hurrah redundancy!)?

So... yeah, I'm hoping that this'll be fixed sometime soon. Maybe they're implementing new features or something.


...and it fixed itself as soon as I posted this. Just my luck.


Another update?

Well, I managed to get another story posted. "Pressure," renamed as "Necessity," is up in the Star Fox section. Check it out.


Balance—quick update

Balance is up, check it out at FFN. Explanation of it can be found on my profile there as well.


An arbitrary to-do list

So, I've been working on and off on a lot of different stories lately. I'm going to try and keep a list of what I'm working on/should be working on, I guess more for my reference than anything else. Here's what I'm juggling at the moment (all fics are Star Fox unless specified otherwise):

"Pressure", Fox and Krystal centric, tragedy—retelling of a canon event that's probably been told a million times. Writing challenge. Explores how concern can blind the concerned and hinder the concerned for.

"Balance", Fox and Wolf centric, implied friendship—an exploration into the life of a hero with a touch of the classic "there's someone out there who has it worse than you"-type stuff. I need to hurry up with this.

(no name), romance/tragedy. Oblivion fic, centered around two OCs—a man's spouse is murdered by the dark brotherhood and he takes up a vendetta against them; he meets an argonian and falls in love again, only to realize that the argonian is the one who murdered his spouse. Explores the multiple dimensions of people and how assumptions can go so wrong. Probably won't ever happen.

Redemption, SSB fic, Fox and Wolf centric, romance/tragedy; an exploration into how desperation and self-exploration can ruin real-world relations. I'm really looking forward to getting this one into the later chappies. I won't give away anything, though.

Enduring Echoes, Fox and Wolf centric, romance/adventure/tragedy; an exploration into how sometimes the past can interfere with what everyone would rather be the present. Nearing completion. Hurrah!!

I've started a couple of other fics not worth mentioning here, but none of them will probably come to fruition.

Stuff to read/review:

Snake of the Rose's Desolace, which I really need to hurry up and finish. It's only been on this list for a year.

Tex-hampioro's A New Hero A New Enemy, which is almost the same as the above, only I don't need to go as in-depth with reviews.

Basil-Ovelby's Andrew trilogy and "Occassional Fluctuations in Character." I've already read these, I just need to go review them, meh.

Bryyo's Star Fox Universe: Season 2, the last two current chapters. Again, I've read these, but I need to go reviewify them.


I've also been dabbling in midi lately. I have one (incomplete) work finished, other than the harp solo I've been working on that's not ready yet and an arrangement of Nobuo Uematsu's "Fragments of Memories" that I won't post. This was mainly an experiment to find out how things sound, and though I haven't written a proper ending yet, I kinda like it. Find it here:


Aaaaand that's a wrap. Oh boy.

Updates, sort of

Okay, so, I've been kind of hovering around for the past few days, not really doing anything. So I decided to do something practical

The first thing is the start of this blog, which I'll hopefully be able to keep up with.

The second is that I finally managed to add some stuff to Apocrypha, my forum. Hopefully, it'll pick up in a bit. I'd really like to see the featured writer topic spring into action.

Oh, and, I took a random glance at the new traffic pages and I realized that people actually look at my community. So maybe I'll go add in some stories to it. iDunno. Some of them are so bleh that I'm not sure if they're trollfics or not. If anyone wants to become a staff member, PM me.

So, tonight, I don't think I'm really going to do much else other than work on my works in progress. I have a few fics that I need to go leave reviews for, but I think I'm going to save that for when I have lots of free time.