
Small update

My total for last night reached 4,649 words, making it the second-highest number I've ever done in a day (the other was on that 13,000-word original short story that I did a while back). So, in the past two days, that means I've written over 8,000 words. Maybe the whole NaNoWriMo thing is feasible after all.

Anyway... the 8000 of the past two days has been split between two fanfics. The first is the "Necessity" continuation (answer the poll on my profail, please), and the second is another fic that has a funny story to it.

I started the most recent one with only two paragraphs in my mind, one of which was one sentence. I started the fic, having no idea where it was going, and 4200 words later, I've been quite pleasantly surprised. The story has, for the most part, taken off and left me and written itself, which is normally a good thing but weird this time because of where I ended up. I'd estimate that I'm about... three quarters of the way done with it, and I anticipate a large chunk of it being cut out during the editing process.

"Necessity" has a chapter done that I could post, but I don't want to start updating and not have anywhere to go. I want to have a few chapters finished before I start posting. I also need a new name for it, and I have no idea what that's going to be.

Au revior!

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