
Violin?! . . . and original stuff

I have a violin now!

I'm currently in the process of learning how to play it. I've succeeded in snapping off the bridge and breaking a string so far, but I can play some basic songs and double stop a little bit. It's about 4294967296 times more difficult than I'd thought it would be.

So, anyway, that'll prolly be occupying most of my time in the next few days. I've also fallen way behind on schoolwork (and failed a busy-work checkup recently, which has probably ruined my class rank position), so... meh. But it seems like I'm most productive when I'm the most busy, so...


Also, I've been considering writing something original recently. I know that I already have 4294967296 stories that I need to finish, but I have this idea that's been bugging me for a while and I may have the urge to get out with it sometime soon. It prolly won't be for a while, though.

My current plans are to finish up book one of Redemption, then finish Echoes, then... iDunno.


Redemption VI up

I finally posted the next Redemption chapter. I feel good about the ideas behind it, but not about the writing itself. I'm ready to move on to the climax.

I promise, the next chapter will have a lot more action in it!


Hypocrisy... in a good way

Against my better judgement, I finished chapter four of Redemption, with a length of 21 pages. Dunno when I'll have it out. Still got that research paper to do.


Timeout on all stories

I'm putting all of my stories on hold.

The reason: I'm falling behind in my schoolwork. I need some time to catch up before I am able to think about writing anymore.

I thought about this a lot last night, actually. I was so closed to finishing Redemption, chapter four, but at the same time, I needed desperately to catch up on schoolwork.

So, since I'm taking economics at the time, I did a little chart dolollly (as my teacher would say), and came to the decision that I'd be much better off catching up on work before devoting any more time to my writing. This could just be for a few days, but... meh.


Chapter 3 up

So, pretty much, all the delay was coming in the latter half of Redemption. I figured out yesterday that I may be redoing a bit of it, and I realized that there wasn't any sense in delaying the former half because of it.

So... yeah, chapter 3 is up.

Edit: Chapter four will be up soon, possibly in the next few days. It depends on where I decide to end it. I have a place where I could stop now, but I'm not sure if it's the best place yet. I might keep writing a little bit (or just ask people for input).



Sorry for the delay in putting up Redemption. I'd planned to get it up last night, but I decided that there was one little section that I had to touch up on. I do hope to get it up tonight, though, but don't sue me if I'm late.


Redemption news, take two

Okay, good news: draft one of the next two chapters of Redemption (I think) is finished. It's ~30 pageishes, but I have some notes in there that will be cut out, so expect it to be a bit shorter. I'd planned for it to be one chapter, but it's just a bit too much in my opinion.

Also, bad news: I have a project to work on over Spring Break (this week). It's a 20-page essay on Shakespeare plus a presentation... so, yeah...