
Status and CAD!

So, I'm all moved in and so far everything's all fine and dandy. I've had a lot more free time than I was expecting, but the arts classes (and performances) really haven't started up yet. Weird thing is, I've had time to write, but I haven't been doing it. Huh.

Anyway. According to FA, tomorrow is Comment Appreciation Day, which means it's the day where all the artists are supposed to show how much they appreciate their readers.

I'm one of the weird artists that always responds to people who comment on my stuff (unless the comment is something I can't really respond to; I'd give examples but I'd prefer not to). Recently, I've been getting a few new readers, for which I am very thankful. It's always good to get back from a busy day of school (and disorienting orientation) and find that people have written me. Honestly, it is because I have an audience that I still write fan fiction; the serious writer in me has moved on to original works, but it's still immensely fun and relaxing to write fan fiction, and I find that the community is willing to tolerate me enough for me to post my stuff here.

So, long story short: as vain as it sounds, commentses are why I'm here. I appreciate everyone who reviews or otherwise acknowledges my existence, though I don't always express it.


  1. If feedback inspires you, then I'll make sure to leave worthwhile comments from now on.

  2. Alrighty!

    But don't feel obliged to comment; do it because you want to.
