
Incoming ficlets, trudging with "Conflict"

So, I found an old ficlet that I wrote back in prehistory (in the Lord of the Rings fandom), and I think I'll polish it up and post it soon. No reason not to, right?

I've also been addicting to Dragon Age: Origins for the past few days, so a little ficlet in that fandom is in progress and possibly coming out soon.

Bad news: the direction I'd planned to take with "Conflict" didn't exactly work out, so I've had to scrap what I've done with the next chapter so far and do something different. Ah, the woes of chapter-based publishing!


An letters

The next part of "conflict" is up. It's not as good as I wanted it to be, and reading through it here, I can see one error at least, but I've had this written for a week and been mostly timeless to go over it more than a few times.

Maybe once I finish up my pre-break essays, I'll have the time to work more on this.

(Written with BlogPress.)


Progress update

A while back, I finished the rough draft of the next part of "Conflict of Interests." Although, it's still a bit rough and there are some obvious spots that still need some major touch-ups.

I'm not sure when it'll be up--I've been mainly working on some other stuff recently. The same stuff I mentioned in the last post. It'll all be up eventually, I hope, except one or two things that I know just won't belong on the site.



I now have a volunteer editor (JyrFalcon345) who may be working with me on a few things.

In other news, I've made fairly good progress in the last few weeks on the fics I'm currently working on. My progress has been mostly scattered though, and what finished products I have are either in draft stage or in need of a lot more completion before posting. I have one fic that I plan on completely finishing before I post the first chapter, if that means anything.

(Written with BlogPress.)