
Whoa, a month with only two posts

...but really, it has been a busyish month for me, despite school wrapping up and everything.

So, since I have a lot of stuff to say, I'll just lollist:

1.) The next chapter of "Six" will be up either tomorrow or Friday, depending on some lifey stuff that I'll find out about tomorrow.

2.) Robindf1 and I have a little surprise we might be unveiling soon. Well, more accurately, I have a surprise that was Robin's idea. Dunno when we'll be unveiling it, but it won't be too long from now, I don't think

3.) I am having quasi–heart surgery the monday after next. It's not anything too major--just a catheter ablation, and it has a 96.5% success rate--but it's not exactly comforting. Wish me luck!

4.) I'm going to attend a residential school of the arts next year for music. So, uh, I may be retiring from fanfiction later this year. Or after "Six" is done with, at least, and maybe The Ambassador. We'll see.

5.) You should all go stalk nordguard.blogspot.com. Gogo Blotch girls!


Back with an update

Sorry I had to disappear off the face of the planet for a while, but eh, like some lulzy post from chaos Leader, (sh)it happens.

Most of said stuff is done with now, and I have loads of free time that I have no clue how to manage. So, hopefully that'll mean moarwriting.

I posted the next chapter of "Six"--it has a few typically not-my-style elements in it, and nothing really happens, but eh, it's a necessary evil. (Or so I think.)

As always, drop me a line to let me know what you think. Hoping these updates will be coming a bit more frequently, but eh, it's been a month or so since I've set fingers to keys in OOo, so we'll see how that works out.