
Newish Fox/Wolf in Progress

Well, since I've been at a standstill with some other fics, I've continued that old thing I started a while back. I'd estimate that I'm over halfway done at this point, so you can expect it on FFN soonish.

I've posted a sample of it over on the other blog, if anyone's interested. There may be another short sample of another upcoming fic coming soon.



Sorry it's been a while. I've been mostly busy with a few things on the side, and haven't had much time to devote to fan fiction as of late.

I'm trying to make progress on "Conflict," but it's going at a dreadfully slow rate. I'm working on a few other things, but I don't want to reveal anything about them quite yet. Be on the lookout, but don't expect anything to be coming too soon.


Situation update

So, I have a lot of different things floating around that need to be either posted or edited or have some edits that I've already marked done to them. My schedule's pretty much booked for most of the weekend, though, and I'll have a busy week next week, so I'm not sure when I'll get the chance to get anything up.

I'm also continuing to progress in an original work that I'm writing. No news about it yet, but... well, we'll see.

Situation update

So, I have a lot of different things floating around that need to be either posted or edited or have some edits that I've already marked done to them. My schedule's pretty much booked for most of the weekend, though, and I'll have a busy week next week, so I'm not sure when I'll get the chance to get anything up.

I'm also continuing to progress in an original work that I'm writing. No news about it yet, but... well, we'll see.


Whoops, delay

So, apparently first week back == time to cram for tests, so I haven't had time to finish up those edits that I've been meaning to do. Hopefully I'll have 'em done before the end of the week, but that depends on how things go tomorrow.


A day of editing

Spent the day editing some stuff for FFN and two shorties for elsewhere. Hoping to have 'em all up soon.

(Written with BlogPress.)


Joys of Writerdom

There's nothing quite like the feeling of rereading something you've written and being pleasantly surprised by it. I reread a short last night that I posted about 3 months ago, and I... really like it. Enough to make me want to have some continuation of it someday when I'm not busy doing 80 other things.


Progress and an FYI

I've written about 6000 words in the last two days, mostly scattered between different projects. I've been trying to take a break from "Conflict," which I can't seem to produce anything workable with at the moment.

Right now, I'm making the decision on continuation on a short story I've began. I've never been very good at that.

Also for those who are curious, the projects that I discuss and you never see are usually posted elsewhere or condemned to rot on my HD. If you're interested in something that seems to have died, just send me a FFN PM and I'll send it over. Don't expect it to be great, though--I always have a reason for holding something back from publication