
New system

I'll be trying a new system for this place. I'm mainly tweaking stuff right now, but I've added tags to everything. Sort of. All posts prior to this one are marked with "ghetto," and all future posts will be labeled correctly.


Still alive

Been drifting for a bit lately, not really getting much done other than a few thousand words on that new project (which is turning out much more complex than I expected it to be).

I am again considering moving to LiveJournal so that I'll have a better posting system, but think that over the next few days I may try posting something here just to see how it would work. Be on the lookout, iSpose.

Thanks to those who continue to support me.


New new project

So, in light of my recent hospitalization, I've decided to scrap that last project. I've had something in my head that I've been meaning to start on for an extremely long time, something novel-length and similar story-wise to the works of Greg Howell. Whether sections of it will be posted here remains to be seen.



So, I went into SVT during my performance Friday and had to be taken to the ER for examinations. They didn't find anything (which I think is actually a bad thing because now I don't know what caused it), and I got out about an hour or so later. Overall, that ranks number one on my list of experiences that I never want to have happen again. At the time, I was concerned for my life.


Working on something new

Working on a new fic as part of the workshop. Right now, plans are for it to be a quick short story.

It centers around Fox and Wolf, but not in a romantic fashion, though it might eventually turn that way if I continue with it enough, which I probably won't.


New link up

I've added a link to my daily writing journal in the Apocrypha Mini-workshop, hosted on FFN. Go there if you get tired of me whining about personal stuff in my blog and just want to see what I'm doing (or want to see proof of me doing anything).


Not sure what's going on

Having some stomach issues at the moment. Not sure if it's an ulcer, gastroenteritis, or possibly gallbladder/appendix issues. Hoping it's not the later. Surgery is generally unpleasant.